
WANDERINGS (Write-ups)

Raging River

My mind is raging. Not as a forest fire being destructive. No, it is more akin to river rapids; hundreds of thoughts rush by each instant (as I struggle to grasp a hold of a single one), slowly carving deeper and deeper trenches in the river bed. It has just become...natural. I am so comfortable with my own thoughts, they have begun to entertain themselves. Loneliness is no longer lonely (painful?), but peaceful and serene. The roar of the rapids has become a soothing soundtrack to my life. Is this what contentment means for me? Relative isolation, kept company by my mind? I do not dislike people, I simply enjoy my own company. Is that wrong? After all, who knows me better than myself? God, yes. But let's keep it mortal for the moment. Lets also return to the river. Does it flow in isolation? No. It feeds from sources around it; rain, runoff, tributaries, etc. It may be able to flow for a while on its own if those sources were cut off, but surely it would dry up given enough time. So to, I believe, my mind would shrivel up given too much isolation. It must be fed, by other people and nature. Because even though the rushing rapids in my head are deafening at times, it's also an amazing adventure to hop in those rapids and see where they take me.
