
WANDERINGS (Write-ups)

The Runner

We’re all running in life. Some call it a race, but I believe it is much more a chase.

You see, there are essentially two versions of ourselves at any given moment, the good and the bad. They both vie for the opportunity to take hold of us, but in different ways. The good version of ourselves is always a few steps farther ahead than we currently are, encouraging us to pick up the pace to catch it. The bad version is also chasing. It is always running us down at full speed attempting to trip us up so we fall and lose sight of the good version. It’s goal is to discourage us from the chase, egging us to give up.
So this chase involves three participants, the “good” version of you, the current you, and the “bad” version of you. In the lead is always the good version, that’s the one you want to chase. But at the same time, the bad version is chasing you as well. this leaves you in the middle, both running towards, and away, from yourself. This is how life must be. For if we ever stand still or give up in life, the bad version of ourselves catches up and takes over. You can never reach the best version of yourself by being stagnant.
But it is also important as to how you frame the way in which you run. Are you simply running from the bad version, always looking over your shoulder to see if it has gained any ground? Or are you running forward, eyes locked on the ideal version of yourself? You see, the way in which we frame the chase makes a great deal of importance. If you run, constantly looking over your shoulder, fearful of what is after you, you are bound to trip and stumble. However, if you gaze straight ahead, being mindful of stride and breathe, you are bound to perform far better.

So ask yourself, which runner are you?